How Rentals Work

Floating Seasons

March through June is the typical time frame for floating the Upper Buffalo National River, although we are sometimes blessed with rainfall that keeps the river floatable into July. You can keep tabs on the river conditions via the National Park Service website, which is updated whenever the river is floatable, even if that occurs in the winter.  You can keep tabs on the river by checking out the USGS gauge page

Before you float:
  • You will come to our store 5 miles from Jasper at the junction of Highway 74 West and Kyle’s Landing Road to complete your National Park Service rental agreement and acknowledgment of risk, as well as arrange for your car shuttle should you need one (most folks do, especially if they are traveling in only one vehicle). Once you have completed your contract, you will drive to the launch site (we’ll be sure to give you directions) where you and your party will receive a safety talk, then be issued your boat(s), paddles, PFDs, and mesh trash bag(s).

Launch Site
  • Your launch site will be determined by water level, with the final decision being made by our General Manager. We make this determination first thing in the morning each day and it can and will change overnight. When making your boat(s) reservation, please remember that a specific launch site is not guaranteed. Plus, the National Park Service limits outfitters from launching at the Ponca low water bridge on Saturdays in May, so during that month, you’ll typically find us launching at the Steel Creek access, located about 5 minutes from Ponca.

Launch Times
  • Depending upon the month, launch times may vary somewhat. For example, in March when days are shorter, the latest launch time may be Noon or earlier. In April, May, and June, when there is more daylight to be had, we may launch boats as late as 1:00 PM.

Shuttling your vehicle:
  • For your convenience, we offer a vehicle shuttle service to a pre-set take-out access while you enjoy your float trip. In most cases, you come to the BRC store to arrange your shuttle. Once your paperwork and payment are complete, you will drive to the launch site and leave your car keys with our river staff. We then move cars in the order in which the keys have been handed to us (basically, a first-come/first-serve process). PLEASE NOTE THAT ON HIGH-DEMAND SATURDAYS & MEMORIAL DAY WEEKEND, ALL OUTFITTERS CAN EXPERIENCE DELAYS IN MOVING VEHICLES. So, take your time on the river—that is what you came for anyway! Also, our shuttle drivers are carefully selected—all have been vetted by our insurance and have clean driving records, and are versed in BRC policies regarding property that is placed in our care.


Due to the overall grade and width of Kyle’s Landing Road, we do not shuttle customers in vans or buses.  

Changes In Shuttle Destination Or Date:
  • Paddlers sometimes wish to change a shuttle destination or the date of the shuttle after they are already on the river. We will do everything possible to respond to such a request; however, requests made after 2:00 PM may not be able to be fulfilled until the following day. Also, changes in destination may result in an additional charge, especially if the vehicle has already been moved to the original destination and/or extra staff expense is incurred in handling the request. Vehicle problems, Vehicles breakdowns which create inordinate staff time to handle or other BRC out-of-pocket-expenses may result in an additional charge. These problems can include flat tire(s), engine issues, inadequate gasoline level, etc.


  • $80 per canoe per day on day trips
  • $70 per canoe per day on multi-day trips
  • Plus shuttle & taxes

We float Old Town, Wenonah, and Mad River 16&17 ft. canoes. 

We do offer 17 foot canoes for your overnight adventures!


We offer Riviera, Regal, and Rivi T Jackson kayaks.

Solo Kayak:

  • $70 per solo kayak per day on day trips
  • $60 per kayak per day on multi-day trips
  • Plus shuttle & taxes


Tandem Kayak:

  • $85 per two person kayak per day on day trips
  • $75 per two person kayak per day on multi-day trips
  • Plus shuttle & taxes



  • $40 per person for rafting.
  • 3, 4, and 6 person rafts available.
  • Plus shuttles and taxes

We offer AIRE Tributary and Star Waterbug rafts

Approximately 300 CFS at the Ponca USGA gauge required to raft from Ponca to Kyles.


The prices listed are for the shuttle of customer’s vehicles with rentals. We do not haul our customers in vans or buses.  See ‘W/rental” table below.

For customers who need a shuttle and own their own equipment or are planning to hike.  See Private shuttle table below.

Vehicle shuttle per vehicle
2025 w/rental 2025 private shuttle From : To
$46.00 $85.00 from Ponca or Steel Creek to Kyles
$75.00 $100.00 from Ponca or Steel Creek to Ozark
$65.00 $95.00 from Ponca or Steel Creek to Pruitt
$65.00 $98.00 from Ponca or Steel Creek to Hasty
$80.00 $100.00 from Ponca or Steel Creek to Carver
$95.00 $140.00 from Ponca or Steel Creek to Mt. Hersey
$105.00 $160.00 from Ponca or Steel Creek to Woolum
$105.00 $160.00 from Ponca or Steel Creek to 65 Bridge
$110.00 $165.00 from Ponca or Steel Creek to Gilbert
$110.00 $165.00 from Ponca or Steel Creek to Tyler Bend
$250.00 $290.00 from Ponca or Steel Creek to Buffalo Point
$300.00 $340.00 from Ponca or Steel Creek to Buffalo City
$70.00 $90.00 from Kyles to Pruitt
$46.00 $80.00 from Pruitt to Hasty
$60.00 $85.00 from Pruitt to Carver
$75.00 $130.00 from Pruitt to Mt. Hersey
$85.00 $150.00 from Pruitt to Woolum
$110.00 $160.00 from Pruitt to Hwy.65
$110.00 $170.00 from Pruitt to Tyler Bend or Gilbert
$265.00 $300.00 from Pruitt to Buffalo Point
$330.00 $350.00 from Pruitt to Buffalo City

We will be offering group discounts for 10% for 6 canoes/kayaks or more. Please note to qualify for the group discount you will need to reserve as a group and pay as a group. Please review our reservation policy and give us a call at 870-446-2644 or book online. Our Kyles Landing outpost is located at the corner of Kyles Landing Rd. and Highway 74.